Nick Thompson

Photo by Taryn Ferro of Aw Snap Photography

Nick learned to protect the native landscape of East Tennessee from a very young age. Born and
raised in Knoxville, he comes from a long line of Appalachian land stewards who taught him the
importance of caring deeply about the land and its people. Take a walk with Nick and you’ll end
up studying native plants that grow through sidewalk cracks, collecting native seeds on the side
of the road, and ripping out invasive plants, wherever they may be.

Nick went to Fulton High School, where his passion for community building was sparked. After
a stint in large-scale commercial landscaping, he discovered his love for this work in his role as a
School Garden Coordinator, where he got to serve the community he grew up in. He often tells our partners, “I know what it’s like to be a child that’s hungry, so I know first hand why this
work is so important.”

Nick takes pride in growing food in a way that caters to the plants, the people, and the ecosystem that surrounds us. Coming from a big family, Nick sees himself first as a mentor to his students, much like the role he plays as an oldest child. Working with youth comes very naturally to him; his exuberant inner 12-year-old shines through. He loves sharing his interests with students and supporting them in finding theirs.

Nick found his perfect fit with the Alliance in 2023, where he blends his native expertise, his
agricultural prowess, and his dedication to enriching education.

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